Money Savings Tips – How to Save Money while Shopping Online

Money Savings Tips – Save Money while Shopping Online. Top money savings tips for online shopping, The Start-Up ecosystem in India has boomed beautifully in ten years. This has led to the


Money Savings Tips

Money Savings Tips – Save Money while Shopping Online. Top money savings tips for online shopping, The Start-Up ecosystem in India has boomed beautifully in ten years. This has led to the emergence of many start-ups, mostly in the form of E-Commerce. The E-Commerce market in India is worth 30 Billion Dollar.

According to industry reports more than hundred e-commerce companies operating in this segment. This has led to increased availability of products and abundance in discounts. In order to boost their sales, e-commerce websites are relying on huge discounts to attract buyers. This can be confusing for buyer and buyers might miss out on great deals.

Money Savings Tips

Finding Deals

The increase in discounts and e-commerce players, make it difficult for buyers to find the best deal online, offline and across websites. There are many websites providing comparative data, deals and coupons that can help the buyer save money. Also auction website can also help buyer determine the best deal and figure out a way to save money. With the introduction of app based ecosystem, the seller are providing huge discounts and impetus for users to buy, also easy replacement and delivery has also removed fear of online shopping.

Money Saving Tips:

First and best tip is avoid browsing e-commerce website during free time. Also making a list of things to buy and never succumbing to impulse buying this lead the buyer to buy products they don’t need. Discounts are not for buyers entirely as they increase the sales of a seller.

User can always save money online by being smart about their purchases some of the smart ways to shop are:

Use Comparison Sites: There are a ton of websites with similar products, using comparison website like, and sort through best price available online and offline.

Auction Sites: If the user is willing to buy used products they might find good products at deep discounts on websites like quikr, Olx and ebayIndia.

Coupon Websites: Buyers can find great deals and discount coupons on websites like, or

Payment Gateways Discounts: Users can also pay online via payment gateways like paytm, freecharge, mobikwik as well as debit or credit card of specific banks can give users extra discounts.

Set Price Alerts & Payback Points: Users can set price alerts in case they are not in a hurry to buy a product, when the price is attractive enough to buy users and they can buy then. Users can also buy from websites giving payback points, the users can then use payback points to buy more goods for free.

Choose EMI Option: Most e-commerce sites are now providing EMI option. Usually these EMI’s have 0% interest, this way users can buy costly products without paying more at once.

Online to Offline: The buyers can always search for products online and buy from local store, this way the buyer has the benefit of satisfaction also they might receive some discount.

Other small money saving tips include accumulating more coupons via different email ids, waiting for sales festivals or holidays, avoiding products with shipping fees.


Saving money online is not rocket science, its easy and by being vigilant and smart the user can save a lot of money which they otherwise would have lost. If the buyer is wishing to follow the tips above they might just save money for their next big purchase because “Money saved is Money Earned”.

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