Understanding the Emerging Concept of BYOD Bring Your Own Device

Understanding the Emerging Concept of BYOD, Have you ever heard of BYOD…. what this BYOD is BYOD stands for “BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE”.

CA Ridhi Dhoot

Understanding the Emerging Concept of BYOD, Have you ever heard of BYOD…. what this BYOD is BYOD stands for “BRING YOUR OWN DEVICEBYOD REFERS TO A SYSTEM WHERE EMPLOYEES CAN USE THEIR OWN PREFERRED DEVICE LIKE SMART PHONES, LAPTOPS, ETC. FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. Now check more details about “Benefits of BYOD (Bring your own device)” From below… Let us understand this with the help of an example.

Understanding the emerging concept of BYOD

Boss: Mr. Sharma today you have to finish this work anyhow. Even if you need to work till late night, you have to complete this work.

Mr. Sharma: Sir, I have to go to a party, please understand. I am Sorry I can’t wait today.

Boss: Well Mr. Sharma, in that case, you are fired..!

Mr. Sharma: OHHHHH NOOO Sir, Please give me a last chance.

Now think what if Mr. Sharma would have been allowed to work from home on his preferred system at his preferred time? Well, in that case, Mr. Sharma would have finished his work timely and would also have received extra pay for the overtime work. Friends, this is the reason why BYOD is the talk of the day in today’s business world.

BYOD has become an important topic and is also included in the study syllabus of many renowned courses including that of CA in the subject of ISCA. A recent study says that in the upcoming future almost all the big organizations will be attracted to BYOD.

Benefits of BYOD (Bring your own device):

  • It allows employees to work from any place, anytime.
  • It allows employees to use their preferred computing device.
  • Organization can achieve their work targets well within time.
  • BYOD has Improved User productivity and convenience.
  • It has increased user satisfaction.
  • It has reduced Computer costs for organizations.

But, BYOD is also accompanied by a few threats. Let us have a look on them.

Byod THREATS/ Risks:

Network Risk:

When employees use company owned devices within the organization, the organization has complete information and knowledge of devices connected to its network. Thus, data exchanged over network is easily analyzed.
As BYOD allows employees to use their own devices, the organization lacks knowledge about number of devices being connected to its network.

Device Risk:

Organization promoting BYOD allows employees to use their own devices, but there is a high risk if these devices are stolen.
It may cause Financial and reputational loss if these devices containing sensitive corporate information are lost.
Moreover, who is responsible for providing employees with new devices? Who is responsible for Insurance of Phones? Whether the employee himself or the organization is another heating issue!

Application Risks:

Every devices connected to the network must have a proper security systems so that threats are prevented. However, some residual risk is always there which can be ignored.
It has been observed that many employees’ devices which were connected to corporate network were not protected by security software.

BYOD may not be suitable for small organizations and they should keep away from such systems.

BYOD may require huge expenditure on Security.

Considering the above, we can finally conclude that BYOD can be very beneficial for the organization having Robust Internal Controls.

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